Standard Give-Up Agreements (Archive)

The FIA Law and Compliance Division publishes and periodically updates standard agreements governing the futures give-up process. FIA Tech in turn administers the Electronic Give-Up System (EGUS) through which brokers, traders and customers may electronically execute the standard give-up agreements.  Firms may choose to use the standard agreements either manually in hardcopy form or electronically in EGUS. The Standard Trader and Customer Give-Up Agreements are available for download here.  The versions were last updated in April 2008 and are the standard agreements used in EGUS. Also available for download are two documents explaining the 2008 revisions to the standard agreements.

The Law and Compliance Division also makes available a more tailored set of give-up agreements for transactions executed on the London Metal Exchange (LME), where either or both the direct Executing or Clearing Broker is not an LME member firm The LME Give-Up Agreements are available in the LME Give-Up Agreements section of the US Documentation Library.


Memo from FIA Law & Compliance Division on 2008 Revisions

Explanation of Revised Agreements as of April 2008

International Uniform Brokerage Execution Services ("Give-Up") Agreement: Customer Version

International Uniform Brokerage Execution Services ("Give-Up") Agreement: Trader Version


Give-Up Screening Agreement

Give-Up Screening Agreement

Procedural Guidance: 1.73(a)(2)(iv) Futures Give Ups

Rule 1.73 Give Ups: Proposed Solution

Give-Up Screening Agreement - Explanatory Presentation